AMS Online and UWL are working to support students affected by the closure.

Following the recent developments at Deutsche Pop, AMS online have come together with University of West London to support students on Deutsche Pop and United Pop courses that have been affected by the closure.

AMS Online (Academy of Music & Sound online) are an online music course provider with over 25 years experience in delivering music qualifications in 13 different countries. Find out more about us HERE>

AMS online have partnered with the University of West London since 2019, and it was then that the first distance learning undergraduate music courses were validated.

We have been contacted following the closure of Deutsche Pop and the knock on effects to students registered on the Diploma and BA courses.

What's Happening?

DipHE in Music & Sound

To accommodate Deutsche Pop students who were part way through their studies on the Diploma, AMSonline is planning to launch a DipHE in Music & Sound, which is an accredited professional qualification, equivalent to the first two years of an undergraduate degree and awarded by the University of West London.

The DipHE Music & Sound will be a two-semester programme and is designed for students from Deutsche Pop to continue their studies from where they reached during their previous course. The effect of this is that joining the DipHe with AMS Online should not cost the students any more time and money than they were already committed to with Deutsche Pop.

Find Out More

For Deutsche Pop Students

Validated by the University of West London, study online

We partner with the University of West London

This year UWL was recognized as the top 23rd University in the UK and won 'The University of the Year for Student experience and for Teaching Quality. This is the first time a University has won both of these awards in the same year.