Live performances in the city centre..
Exeter Charity Showcase: On Friday night our Exeter Centre students and staff wowed Princesshay’s late night shoppers with some stellar performances and epic live jam’s.
The FdA Yr 1 students raised £145 for Macmillan Cancer Foundation South West as part of this Exeter Charity showcase. Their performance was part of their Foundation Degree in Music Performance. These first year undergraduates undertook organising the performance from its original concept, through liaison with the venue, the charity and performers, to the performance itself. The students had booked musicians from other courses running at the Academy and they also performed themselves along with vocal and songwriting tutor Alex Johnstone (Instant Karma/Pattern Pusher).
Through this assignment, the students will be assessed on their ability to organise an event, deliver it successfully and to evaluate the process. It was a great evening, the atmosphere and music quality was excellent. We’re very proud of our student and we all think they did very well!